Arch Anson Tactical Real Estate Fund
Arch Anson Tactical Real Estate Fund (ARCH) was launched in November 2018. The Portfolio Manager primarily responsible for ARCH is Michael Missaghie.
ARCH’s core investment objective is to deliver positive absolute returns on an annual basis by investing in global real estate securities utilizing the following investment strategies:
Specifically targeting poorly managed REITs where real estate value is higher than REIT unit trading prices;
Shorting over-valued REITs with weak fundamentals, poor management structure or poor alignment of interests among unitholders and management;
Identifying merger, acquisition and privatization candidates in the REIT sector, and;
Taking an activist role in certain situations, making and publicizing demands for change.
The investment objectives and methods summarized above represent Anson Funds’ current intentions. Depending on conditions and trends in the commodities and securities markets and the economy in general, Anson Funds may pursue any objectives, employ any investment techniques or purchase any type of security or instrument or make any investment that they consider appropriate and in the best interest of the Funds, whether described in this section or not. The foregoing discussion includes and is based on numerous assumptions and opinions of the Investment Advisors concerning world financial markets and other matters, the accuracy of which cannot be assured. There can be no assurance that Anson Funds’ investment strategy will achieve profitable results. Past performance of Anson Funds or any of the funds under its management or any affiliates of Anson Funds is not indicative of future results of the Fund. Investors risk the loss of their entire investment.